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It is a bit hard to keep track of the latest diets and eating lifestyles these days. Every few months there is some latest fad diet or the other that has swept the health community by storm or the new workout DVD that everyone is raving about.

But in all of this, many people who are not well acquainted with the various diet-based terms like ketosis, plant-based eating, BPA free and other health food buzzwords leave others scratching their heads.

Many people don’t know the difference between a vegan diet and a plant-based diet and often use these two terms interchangeably.

Although there really isn’t much of a stark difference to these eating lifestyles, none the less we will point out the main and only differences.


Vegan diet

Vegans don’t eat any animal-based products but they take this philosophy to other areas of their life too.  You would never see them wearing any leather or fur coat etc. Veganism is more of an ethical or spiritual-based lifestyle where valuing all animal life is crucial and there is zero tolerance for any animal exploitation.

Vegans don’t eat animal products but that doesn’t mean that they are necessarily always eating plant- based or unprocessed vegan foods.

Plant-based diet

Plant-based foods or whole plant diet focuses on consuming unprocessed and whole plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes etc. They are the stricter in terms of eating their food but when it comes to using animal products like leather or fur, they have no issues.

They don’t believe in refined or adulterated foods such as corn syrup or bleached flour etc. Their approach towards eating plant-based foods is not mostly ethical but more of a health-based one. Some people do incorporate animal products in their diet but that is very rare.

Choosing what’s right for you

Veganism or plant-based diets, albeit are a very healthy option but it may not be suited for everyone; therefore you have to first determine what your body can get used to. Many people end up switching back to their omnivorous lifestyle because their body rejected the idea or was lacking in certain nutrients.

The good news is that you can still have vegan or plant-based food and still eat the meat of your choice. If you want to try healthy vegan or plant-based food then opt for a healthy meal delivery service in your area and see if you can keep up with this diet for a month. This will help you decide if going tonally green is the right choice for you or not.

Weight loss

Even if you are not going permanently vegan or plant based, adding lots of veggies to your diet is a great way to help you lose weight and stay in shape.  Just by adding two vegan/plant-based meals a day can make a drastic difference to your overall health.

Looking for a healthy meal delivery service in Mississauga or Oakville? Head over to Livfit and try our amazing meal services today!


When vegans tell others about their eating lifestyle and food choices, they get pitiful looks as if they are missing out on the most important thing on the planet! This is followed by a ton of questions or mini lectures of why meat is better. It  isn’t about if an omnivorous lifestyle is better than a vegetarian  or vice versa. It’s simply to bust those myths about veganism that prevent people from adopting this lifestyle.

Here are 5 misconceptions of veganism that you can throw away and head straight to the grocery aisle:


1. You will be missing out on essential nutrients such as protein

A lot of people can think that veganism can cause malnourishment or you can’t get enough protein as you do with meat. There are thousands of vegans out there in the world and their bodies are functioning at their optimum level.

In fact, they are healthier because they load up their plates on vitamin and mineral rich foods that provide them ample of nutrients for every organ of their bodies. If you think that meat is the only source of protein then you have heard wrong. There are tons of vegetables and plant based foods to give you the protein you need. Tofu, edamame, green peas, lentils, chickpeas and beans are just some of the options to include in your high protein diet.



2. Veganism is healthy

The answer to this is yes and no. Don’t get us wrong, having vegetables and plant based foods are always going to be a healthier option hands down but there are ways to make it unhealthy. A good example would be French fries, they are vegan but certainly not healthy.

Donuts, process faux meats, seitan, white breads, pastas, batter fried vegetables and other high sugar based vegan desserts contribute to an unhealthy lifestyle. So if you are not ready to skip the sugary and high-carb based stuff then adopting a vegan lifestyle is not going to do you good.


3. It’s boring

You would be surprised there are thousands of recipes that you can make and they are just as fun and filling like other foods. If shopping or preparing meals is tiresome or boring for you then you can always opt for a vegan meal delivery service and never have an excuse for not having any delicious vegan options for yourself.


4. Vegans still need to drink milk to get calcium

Leafy green and cruciferous vegetables like kale and spinach have plenty of calcium but here comes the winner: spirulina—it is green algae that have 120 mg of calcium per 100 grams and that’s 26 times more than milk.


5. Vegans are cranky

To be honest, in order to bust this myth you have to try it for yourself. In fact, you will notice your mood get better by incorporating a lot of vegan food in your diet. You will be getting all the essential nutrients that will help the brain to release endorphins in the body hence being a happy camper.

Looking for a vegan meal delivery service in Mississauga? Head to https://www.liv.fit/www.lifor more info!


A healthy eating lifestyle is what everyone hopes of maintaining but sadly many people fall off the track sooner than they can even lose their first five pounds.

If you are one of those people who always have to struggle just to be following a certain diet correctly then you have come to the right place!

Here you will find out 5 things that you are doing wrong that make you fall off the healthy eating track and what you can do about it.


1. You don’t have a solid plan

While it’s great to decide that you want to lose weight and get back in shape but simply thinking about it is not good enough. You have to make a proper plan whether it is for having healthy meals or an exercise regimen that you must regularly if not religiously follow.

You have to determine what you actually want out of your plan and how to execute it. E.g. you want to eat healthier but don’t know where to start; you then look for healthy meal delivery services in your area so that you don’t have to spend time making meals after a hard day’s work. You look for personal trainers to guide you to get back in shape etc. That is called having and executing a plan.

Once you have a plan, you stick to it and have a goal of 4-6 months to achieve it.

Make a weekly meal and exercise plan by writing it down in your planner or on your phone. Alternately you can save yourself the hassle by making a meal plan and just opt for a healthy meal delivery service.

Hire a personal trainer to help you with exercising as well.


2. You don’t throw away the junk food

One of the reasons people end up cheating on their diet is because they have a hard time parting ways with the unhealthy junk they have already bought. If you don’t want to throw away food that is totally fine, you can give it away to a friend or neighbor who will happily take it. We are pretty sure there will always be someone who will take that bag of chips or that tub of ice cream from you to help you stay on track. If you have enough self-control then you can keep some of the stuff for those days you are allowed to cheat. Otherwise it’s high time to clear all the cabinets and shelves form unhealthy processed food.

3. You think diet or healthy food is boiled carrots and a leaf of lettuce

Any nutritionist and doctor will tell you that a wholesome and balanced meal is the key to a healthy lifestyle. All you have to do is to choose organic over processed and you are good to go. If you are going to go for a fitness food delivery service then rest assured you will get a variety of healthy and delicious meals that will keep you full and not let you go off track.

Looking for a healthy meal delivery service in Mississauga or Oakville? Head over to Livfit and try our amazing meal services today!


January 12, 2018by fitness-club-wpadm0

Despite colossal advances in medicine, the rates of various diet-caused diseases have recently increased exponentially. The data clearly shows improvements in health for those eating a plant-based diet.

Following the right plant-based eating regimen can be fundamentally more fruitful (pun intended) against many ailments, rather than pills.

When we put crap into our circulatory framework, our body will respond by indicating disorders with relentless sickness, joint pains, weight-gain, skin discharges, gas, bloating, fever, low energy, kidney issues, sweat and so forth. Make 2018 the year where you choose what you put in your body, and make sure it is organic as well as plant-based.

Did you know, Liv Fit meal plans are 100% Plant-Based and Organic – plus they get delivered straight to your door!

Another reason to ditch the meat and dairy this year is the fact that humans are not even carnivores by nature. According to Dr. Graham (author of “China Study”) humans physiologically should not eat meat – in fact – our teeth were not built for i! Don’t believe us? Just compare our teeth to a lions!

A Human’s Teeth
A Lioness’ Teeth


He confirms the risks of coronary issues, sickness, tumors, diabetes and so forth from humans that do eat animal based foods – in comparison to plant eaters!

Want some final take home points on why 2018 is the year to go plant-based?

  • You’ll eat less carbs!
  • Your skin will GLOW!
  • Helps women with harsh periods!
  • Clears the mind and reduces brain fog!
  • You’ll let your body run more efficiently!
  • You wont harm any beautiful animals!

Let us help you go plant-based this amazing year 🙂

Ask us for a 50% OFF coupon – just by contacting us!

Enjoy the journey of going plant-based and we hope you stick to it for years to come!