Read our Latest Blogs | How to Live Healthy And Fit
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Read our Latest Blogs | How to Live Healthy And Fit


If you have started following a healthy lifestyle by eating nutritional and low-fat foods then congratulations as this is a full time commitment.

But it gets somewhat frustrating if your family still eats unhealthy foods.

You want them to stay fit and healthy as well but can’t really force them now can you? If leading by example has not really worked for them and they still eat all the processed junk, then here are some ways that you can make them start eating right just like you:

Stop buying junk food

The first and easiest step for them to start eating healthy is not having any junk food in the house to begin with. If you are bringing in high calorie and low nutrition food in the house then you are just enabling them to follow an unhealthy lifestyle. Don’t get any chips, pretzels, baked goodies or ice cream tubs that they can have.

Studies show that people are likely to get unhealthy more because of the junk food in the house than the one they eat outside or order in. this is because one can continuously snack on multiple things throughout the day therefore the likelihood of them gaining weight gets doubled.

Replace the junk food with healthier options

If you completely stop bringing in snacks to munch on then it is likely that they will end up buying it themselves or eating something outside. Find low-fat and healthy substitutes such as baked vegetable chips or low-fat fruit yogurt etc

Make their favorite food in a healthier way

Nobody wants to leave their favorite meals forever so the best thing you can do is to make it in a healthier way. Use ingredients that are low in calorie or fat content and you are good to go. This way they won’t feel like they are missing out on anything.


Have meals especially breakfast together

You simply can’t skip the most important part meal of the day. Spending quality family time is very important and what better way to spend it than on the table? Having a healthy and wholesome breakfast sets the tone for the day and you stay full for longer.

So encouraging your family, whether it’s the kids or your spouse, to eat a nutrition packed meal will make them conscious enough to make the right choices throughout the day. Also, don’t in front of the TV as it can make you eat more.

Pack school lunches

If you have kids then you have more control over what they eat by packing them healthy school lunches. They won’t eat the unhealthy cafeteria food or vending machines.

Subscribe to a healthy meal delivery service

If you and your spouse work full time then it’s understandable that preparing healthy meals can sometimes be too much work. Since you are most likely to order out anyway then opt for a healthy meal deliver service that will not only be nutritional but also satisfy their taste buds.

Are you looking for a healthy meal delivery service in Mississauga or Oakville? Head over to LivFit for more info.



January 12, 2018by fitness-club-wpadm0

Despite colossal advances in medicine, the rates of various diet-caused diseases have recently increased exponentially. The data clearly shows improvements in health for those eating a plant-based diet.

Following the right plant-based eating regimen can be fundamentally more fruitful (pun intended) against many ailments, rather than pills.

When we put crap into our circulatory framework, our body will respond by indicating disorders with relentless sickness, joint pains, weight-gain, skin discharges, gas, bloating, fever, low energy, kidney issues, sweat and so forth. Make 2018 the year where you choose what you put in your body, and make sure it is organic as well as plant-based.

Did you know, Liv Fit meal plans are 100% Plant-Based and Organic – plus they get delivered straight to your door!

Another reason to ditch the meat and dairy this year is the fact that humans are not even carnivores by nature. According to Dr. Graham (author of “China Study”) humans physiologically should not eat meat – in fact – our teeth were not built for i! Don’t believe us? Just compare our teeth to a lions!

A Human’s Teeth
A Lioness’ Teeth


He confirms the risks of coronary issues, sickness, tumors, diabetes and so forth from humans that do eat animal based foods – in comparison to plant eaters!

Want some final take home points on why 2018 is the year to go plant-based?

  • You’ll eat less carbs!
  • Your skin will GLOW!
  • Helps women with harsh periods!
  • Clears the mind and reduces brain fog!
  • You’ll let your body run more efficiently!
  • You wont harm any beautiful animals!

Let us help you go plant-based this amazing year 🙂

Ask us for a 50% OFF coupon – just by contacting us!

Enjoy the journey of going plant-based and we hope you stick to it for years to come!


December 29, 2017by fitness-club-wpadm0

Healthy eating doesn’t mean you should eat less or diet every other day. It is actually eating more but healthy. Eating habits play a great role in shaping your outer body and inner metabolism. By working out daily, you are actually benefiting your body to stay physically, mentally and emotionally healthy. These habits not only improve your overall looks and well-being but also makes you feel good.

A true fact is that healthy habits are hard to develop and easy to leave. If today you are sacrificing your desire of eating junk food, it is surely going to impact you in a positive way in the future. Some of the benefits of opting for a healthy lifestyle include:

1. Controls weight

By eating the right food at the right time and by exercising regularly, you can readily avoid excess weight gain, thereby can maintain a healthy weight. By staying physically active a person can accomplish his/her weight loss goals which in turn boosts the immune system. Start eating a balanced and calorie-managed diet from today itself.

2. Combat diseases

Everyone knows that healthy eating habits and lifestyle are highly responsible for preventing ill-health conditions like heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and many others. By including fresh fruits and salad in your daily diet, you can control your cholesterol and blood pressure. It also helps in combating cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, depression, arthritis and many other diseases.

3. Boosts energy

Though junk food is great on taste, it can really make a person feel lethargic. To prevent this, you can switch your diet to healthy foods rich in proteins and vitamins. In addition, regular physical exercise is effective in improving the muscle strength and boosting endurance. A healthy diet should include whole grains, lean meat, low-fat dairy products, fruits and green vegetables.

These were some of the health benefits of switching to a normal routine of healthy eating and exercising. If you are looking for healthy plant based fitness meal delivery in Mississauga, feel free to choose your food choice and place an order at Liv Fit.


December 3, 2017by fitness-club-wpadm0

Meal prepping is ideal for any fitness or health conscious individual. It provides an efficient means of preparing healthy meals for weeks or even a month. Here are 5 of the top reasons on why you should meal prep:

1. Save Time

This is the biggest reason for meal prepping. The truth is we all live in a fast-paced society, and creating 3 meals each and everyday could be infeasible – especially when trying to grub on nutritious food.

Did you know, you could save even more time by getting your meal prep made for you and delivered to your door?! Check it out here:

2. You Get Forced to Eat Healthy and Nutritious Food

When you meal prep, you know the macro-nutrients and can build around them. You can portion your meals and choose your own ingredients. You have control on the whole process and what is going into your body. Since you plan ahead, there is no last-minute temptations of eating out or snacking on junk-food when there is little time.

Did you know all our food is organic and vegan?

3. Save Money!

Eating out is expensive. And we all do it when we are pressed for time. Healthy food is also very hard to find outside and can be pricey. By meal prepping you can save a lot of money. You pay less, get more benefits and can choose seasonal crops to save even more!

4. Save Energy!

Stressing over what to eat next takes a lot of energy, cooking from scratch every meal does as well. Why not just prepare on a Sunday for a whole week? Save the mental energy for other important parts of your life, and have your meals on a routine!

Save all your energy by ordering our meals – we are giving away 100 coupons for $50 at the bottom of this blog post!

5. Cut Down on Food Waste

When you meal prep, you know what ingredients you need and in exact amounts. You will not have spoiled or rotten foods, as everything is calculated.

Speaking of groceries, by ordering our Meal Plans for Weight Loss, you will never have to wait in a cashier line again – we will bring you fresh organic vegan meals, straight to your Welcome mat!

Thank you for reading our blog post! We are giving away a hundred $50 gift-cards for our meals – first come first serve. Email: to get yours!


November 1, 2017by fitness-club-wpadm0

Lunch shouldn’t be hard!

Liv Fit provides healthy, plant-based vegan meal prep straight to your door in Toronto.

Here are 4 GREAT Ideas for a Plant-Based Lunch, click each one to find the recipes which we found on the web:

  1. Lentil Spinach Soup
  2. Cauliflower Salad with Roasted Chickpeas
  3. Quinoa Stuffed Poblano Peppers
  4. Wild Rice & Broccoli Salad with Edamame

There you have it, we hope you enjoy these 4 amazing vegan lunches!

Don’t forget to read our post on 5 reasons plant-based diets helps you lose weight!