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Personal Training Archives - Liv Fit


When following a healthy lifestyle, it is easier to follow a diet than to get yourself off the bed and head to the gym.

You can choose to stay hungry rather than doing that extra 30 minutes of jogging on the treadmill.

If exercise is a challenge for you then know it’s more of a mental state. It’s you resisting the idea of exercising rather than your body.

Here are 6 effective ways of how you can start loving exercise again:

1. Train your mind

It all starts in the head. Start believing that exercise is good for you and is an enjoyable thing rather than a chore for your body. Remember that exercise is a celebration for what your body can do rather than a punishment for it.

Remind yourself that it will only bring you benefit and pretty soon you will be shedding those excess pounds and a new chiseled you. Whether it’s for losing weight or maintaining your current one, exercise is important to make your body have flexibility and helping it stay in shape.

2. Inspire yourself

Put up pictures of your favorite celebrities or sports stars on the fridge and in your room and aim to be living a fitter life style. This way every time you head to the fridge to snack or be lazy on the bed these pictures will motivate you to get moving and exercising.

3. Get an exercising partner

It could be your friend, sibling or spouse, anyone that can be a great help for you to exercise and meet all your goals. You guys can be each other’s support system so that if anyone of you starts to lag behind, the other can motivate the other back on the track.

4. Have realistic goals

It is crucial that you set yourself some realistic goals regarding your fitness. Many people get disheartened and stop exercising because they think they can’t achieve their goals. It is not because they can’t it’s just that their goals are to unrealistic. You got to give some margin for mistakes and keep the standard realistic.

Don’t start by thinking you can lose 20 pounds or have a six-pack in a month but take baby steps and then work your way up by setting higher targets.

5. Engage in some media along with exercising

Not everyone can run for 30 minutes on the treadmill staring at the wall. You will get bored easily. Bring along your mp3 player or watch the TV while exercising. Time will fly as soon as you know it. You can listen to your podcasts, audio books, and songs or watch your favorite shows while exercising.

6. Get a personal trainer

Getting a personal trainer is a really good decision for many people if they want that extra boost of motivation to work out regularly.

A trainer guides you to doing the best exercises for your body and motivates you to set higher fitness goals. Start loving exercise again by getting a personal trainer in Mississauga by heading over at LivFit.