7 Ways to Burn Some Extra Calories - Liv Fit
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7 Ways to Burn Some Extra Calories - Liv Fit

7 Ways to Burn Some Extra Calories

Looking to burn some extra calories? Here are 7 ways how you can boost your calorie burning game and get rid of them from your system in no time.


  1. Wake up early

If you are pressed for time and can’t make it to the gym in the morning, then just wake up 15-20 minutes early and do some exercises at home. It will save you time and get your metabolism up and ru7nning. The energy burst you feel will be exactly the same as working out at the gym.


Do 2 sets of squats, pushups and sit-ups. If you have stairs, run a flight of stairs 4-5 times. These exercises (each on their own) can burn up to 150-200 calories.


  1. 1 times 10 trick

Raise your fat burning rate by following this simple step. All you need to do  is to do 10 squats every one hour. If you are in an office and don’t want to  be seen a like strange fitness freak then just do it in t he bathroom. Doing squats every hour throughout the day can burn up to 300-400 calories.


  1. Be cool

Although it is widely known that sitting in a hot area or sauna can melt off the pounds because you are sweating profusely. The same can be applied to sitting in a cold area. Your body tries to maintain its heat levels in cold temperature. So, it needs more energy too keep you warm. Make your AC cooler so that your body can start burning some calories.


  1. Park your car a little further away and take the stairs

Doing this everyday  can help you burn 300 calories easily. Don’t take the stairs if you are a heart patient. A little extra walking and running up the stairs can do so much for  your body in the long run.


  1. Carry your groceries one at a time

Its easier to just scoop up the maximum amount of bags of groceries to your home but you can sneak in some extra walking by taking one bag at a time. It burns off around 90 calories!


  1. Chew some gum

Pop in a sugar-free chewing gum every time you feel hungry. It will trick your brain into believing that you are eating and curb those hunger cravings. Apart from this, chewing gum will burn calories because your mouth is getting constant exercise. This is one of the reasons people advise chewing gums for a chiseled cheek and jaw area.


Chewing gum burns around 70 calories per 20-25-minute session.



  1. Drink  water

Not only does water curb your snack cravings, it has also been shown to boost metabolism. Studies have shown that the metabolic rate increases by 40% when people drank cold water. This is because your body is constantly battling to keep itself warm, so a chilly glass of water is all you need to burn some extra calories.


On the flip side, drinking warm or room temperature water can also help in burning off fat but it has to be done first thing in the morning for best results.



Are looking to lose weight and need a personal trainer in Mississauga? Head over to LivFit for more information.


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