7 Tips for Not Feeling Hungry on a Diet - Liv Fit
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7 Tips for Not Feeling Hungry on a Diet - Liv Fit

7 Tips for Not Feeling Hungry on a Diet


Keeping yourself satiated during a diet can be a challenging thing. The minute you decide to follow a healthy lifestyle is the minute your mind starts craving for a sinful snack that would take you off the track and make you guilty.

It’s true that you have to limit your portions when on a diet but that doesn’t mean you have to stay hungry.

Here are 7 effective tips that will make you feel full for longer and fight those hunger pangs that can ruin your diet:


1. Always have breakfast

There’s a reason why it’s called the most important meal of the day. It’s because it sets the tone of your eating pattern throughout the day.  A wholesome and healthy breakfast that won’t make you feel hungry till lunchtime is the one you should be aiming for.

Breakfast activates your metabolism and provides energy for you to be running about your day.

Steer clear of high sugar breakfast options such as pancakes drenched in maple syrup or Pop Tarts. Wake up a few minutes earlier if you can to make yourself a healthy breakfast containing proteins, complex carbs and vitamins. Anything from a bowl of oatmeal, eggs and toast to a fruit smoothie will help you stay full for that much longer!

2. Keep healthy snacks

If your hunger pangs don’t budge that easily, don’t worry as you can have healthier alternatives. Opt for unsalted or lightly salted nuts fresh fruits or vegetables like celery or carrots to munch on to curb your cravings.

3. Drink water

Sometimes you are just thirsty and not really that hungry but your brain tricks you into thinking that it is. So if you are hungry, just drink a glass of water see after a couple of minutes if you are still hungry.


4. Drink coffee

Coffee has been known to suppress appetite because of the caffeine content. That is why most energy drinks have caffeine because they not only curb your cravings, they also rev up your energy. Have 2-3 cups of coffee a day but try not to exceed the amount as it can dehydrate you.

Increase your water intake if you are having multiple cups of coffee a day.

5. Eating mindfully

Eat your meals and snacks mindfully. This is helpful because when you are aware of your eating then you will be able to stay full for longer. Eating quickly is not going to give you the same satisfaction and you will feel like you ate very little.

When your brain is aware of what you are consuming, it will be quicker to trigger the hormones in your body that will make you feel full.

6. Trick your brain

Eat in smaller plates so even if the plate is full, your brain thinks that you have had enough triggers the hormones for you to feel full.

7. Eat more spicy food

Studies show that spices and hot peppers and capsicums have active compounds that help curb your hanger pangs.

You can opt for a healthy meal delivery service in Mississauga or Oakville with LivFit if you want healthy and wholesome meals delivered right at your doorstep




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